
Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Wake up, open your eyes to the fields of wildflowers.

For I shall not let go, because You were always there. I forever hold strongly onto hope, because with You I'm able to see beautiful strength. Time stands still as I stand arms wide, awestruck in Your Grace. Breathtaking. 
You will always have my heart facing to You. 

Simple moments bloom into something more, more than just light captured. 

You've kept me wonderstruck. 

 "And there will come a time, you'll see, with no more tears.
And love will not break your heart, but dismiss your fears.

Get over your hill and see what you find there,
With grace in your heart and flowers in your hair."

Philippians 4:6 
"Don't worry about anything; instead pray about everything. Tell God what you need, and thank him for all he has done."

Wednesday, August 22, 2012

to see possibility everywhere.

Got an hour and thirty four minutes? Check.
Need some inspiration? Check. This is always a yes, you can never have too much:)
Love people? Check.
If you said yes to all three then you will surely like this post, err, or recommendation I should say. :)
What's all this about, you ask yourself? Don't fret, its only a brief description, not gonna ruin anything for you all!

"Director Kevin Macdonald (The Last King of Scotland) and producer Ridley Scott (Alien, Gladiator) team up to offer this candid snapshot of a single day on planet Earth. Compiled from over 80,000 YouTube submissions by contributors in 192 countries, Life in a Day presents a microcosmic view of our daily experiences as a global society. From the mundane to the profound, everything has its place as we spend 90 minutes gaining greater insight into the lives of people who may be more like us than we ever suspected, despite the fact that we're separated by incredible distances. Life In A Day is a historic film capturing for future generations what it was like to be alive on the 24th of July, 2010"

Watch the link below and let your eyes be opened some more:)
It's one of my favorites and a must see... If I do say myself.

pstt. life is big, make it big screen;)

Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Right Turn Only

So as you know, one of my resolutions is to get out, and explore the beautiful places of San Diego. I want to soak up as much as I can, while I'm here. You can learn a lot about the city you live in and about yourself.

Here are a few places I've found that are worth sharing. Fun times:)

[Presido Park, January 19]

A few weeks back, I planned a whole day, by myself to just get in my car and drive somewhere that looked like a good place to lay in some grass, and walk around with my camera. I was so excited to get out of my 8:30 class,  hop in my car, and go. Well, sometimes God has something better up His sleeve then what you intended, and boy I love that! It's funny the places you are brought to, when you seemed to be lost.

I got out of class, drove and saw a pretty decent park. I got out, strolled around, ended up hiking up a hill that seemed to be straight out of Jurassic Park. I was all by myself and I didn't feel safe. Disappointed, I hiked down the hill, and got in my car to go home. I came to the streetlight, where I needed to go straight in order to get home. Well, This light refused and demanded that I could only turn right, which led to a freeway ramp that takes you to who knows where. If you have ever drove with me, you know Im horrible with directions. I didn't want to get onto mystery freeway, no way, nodda. Although, for some reason when I was waiting at that light, I thought that I needed to turn right. It was going to take me to a better adventure, that I couldn't see. I obeyed, turned right, and took and immediate right after that. Bam. I stumbled upon one incredible place. I was on top of a hill, viewing all of San Diego. 

It was a wonderful day to take a walk with God, and I explored something new.  

[Balboa, February 23]

Took all my sketching pencils, markers, and what nots down to Balboa park to sketch for the afternoon. Possibly spark up some inspiration. Not to mention it was a great reason to get outside, its been absolute beautiful weather.

As I sketched, I was whistled at by a few 6th grader studs, and ended up meeting the group of kids who were on a field trip. The boys were then embarrassed, and acted to cool for school, ha. I chatted it up with the gals who told me they wanted to become artists and designers, and "draw pretty" like me. Too cute. One even asked for an autograph. Already famous people ;) 

[La Jolla Beach Cove February 23] 

Amanda, Aubrey and I drove down to La Jolla Beach Cove a little before the sunset. Right when I stepped out of the car, I was greeted with a breeze and the fresh ocean mist. I was literally stunned by the beauty. I leaned over the white picket fence that was holding back wild daisies as I stared with eyes wide open at this glorious painting. The ocean was so blue, and you could see every wave roll in, creating the perfect soundtrack. I love the power and strength it has. Sea lions were swimming all about, and resting on the seaside rock. I thought to myself I cant believe I live here. Im so thankful.

A local artist I met. He's been painting here for over 15 years. 

[Mount Soledad February 24/25]

If you ever plan on visiting yours truly, I can promise I will take you here, whether you want to or not.  I know you'll want to though, because who doesn't love viewing an entire city at night? 

Around 11 the other night Amanda and I packed my camera, a flashlight, and some glowsticks. It was time for some long exposure shots :D What better place than Mount Soledad. Well the drive up there was pretty terrifying, considering the fact we didn't really have a clue where we were going, it was pitch dark outside, and the GPS lady was telling us to turn right, down the darkest road I have ever possibly seen. In the end we eventually got there. Right in the middle, there is a war memorial with a huge cross, with steps leading up to it. At the top was a group of young guys playing the acoustic guitar and singing some worship songs. It was the coolest thing ever, it was 12 at night, and we were at the tippity top of San Diego, viewing all the shimmering lights, with awesome music. Couldn't of got much better. We sang, cheered, and clapped, and then headed down to a grassy area and ran around with flashlights. Yeah, people probably thought we were a little crazy. But hey, just go out and have some fun:) 

Love the face. Classic. 

Hope you have a great rest of the night:) 

Go out and explore something new. Put yourself out there, you never know what you can find. 

Wednesday, January 18, 2012

A ship in port is safe, but thats not what ships are built for.

New Year resolutions. Hmm, we all have them, but I came to the conclusion that less is more in this lil' category. Last year, I had a list of 48 in my journal, and a week before New Years, I still needed to learn to play the drums, piano, longboard, and 30 other activities. Pft. Although I did accomplish the ones I really wanted to, I didn't like having such a long list of things that didn't have high importance to me. So this year I'm switching it up a bit. And all you readers, Im expecting you to hold me to this:) 

-Get out with my camera.
-Write more.
-Explore as much as I can.
-Sketch, Sew, and See more.
-Learn to longboard (round 2 baby!)
-Take up knitting and crocheting.

Lastly, and mainly, and on a daily basis:

"Do something everyday that scares you" I believe that the best memories come from when we are most vulnerable, not only with ourselves but with each other, and the outcome is most incredible. So far, Its been wonderful. 

SO, I thought I would share with you guys just a few that I have done in these past 18 days of January. Oh, and pictures are included:) 

[January 6] 
I held a bird. 
I mean, who DOES that? Who just holds a huge wild parrot?! Okay, maybe a lot of people do on vacations, but I know I sure never did. It's a good thing I'm wearing my schnazzy sunglasses, otherwise you would be able to see the fear in my eyes. It was pretty terrifying, and I didn't want to at first. But the guy with the Santa beard and tie-dye t-shirt, flung the bird on my arm before I even realized it, and I'm glad he did. Because it was pure awesomeness!  

[January 8] 
I got a second piercing.

Been wanting to for awhile, so my roommate Amanda and I went to a sketchy tattoo parlor, erhh, I mean our local Claires at Fashion Valley. I had to hold her hand. The rest of the day I felt fearless, who knew a little diamond would make me feel like I was such a rebel, ha :P

[January 12] 
Gave a speech on something that I hold very close to my heart.
I wasn't more so scared of standing in front of a group of people, I was more scared of being so open in front of a crowd, and not getting what was in my heart out in the right words. In the end, I faced my fear and rocked my speech. I had a big smile on my face for the rest of the day. "One sees clearly only with the heart, anything essential is invisible to the eyes".

[January 14] 
Posed as a model with the other Forever 21 mannequins.
Yes, I fell under peer pressure. I didn't want to do it, just to pose for a silly photo, but all Amanda had to say was, "do it!" So, yeah I did it. I looked around, and It was a clear sight, there was no chance of me being mocked in the social jungle of forever 21, but right when I stroke a pose, I felt all eyes staring at me... and laughing. Including the photographer, Amanda. JOY, but HEY whatever, Ill never see them again, and now we have photos to send to Forever 21's model agency. I think they'd hire us. ;)

Welp. Im liking this whole idea of posting my daily "do something that scares you" adventures. :) Hmmm. It's a thought. 

Anyways, this IS my first post so make sure to cut me some slack, and leave me some love below! OH and heres a few pictures from my wonderful 6-day weekend. 

Captures us pretttty well:) 


Friendship Bracelets C:
Until next time! 

Monday, December 12, 2011

I find it much easier to express myself and tell stories through photographs, so if you want a glimpse of what goes through Amanda Jane Johnson's thinker, take a looksie at my flickr page. I hope you enjoy lovelies. 

p.s. I DO plan on posting on here... soon:)